Abhinav Sr. Sec. School
Education in it’s true sense, covers a vast area of knowledge. We start learning from the day we are born and keep learning till the day we die. This is the new age, and so is learning and education. Lets strive for our minds to be curious, to think creative and original. To nurture young minds to strive for excellence.
Let each of our thoughts be new and ideas limitless. Each action should be strived with excellent skills and knowledge, so why not search for a school with an excellent learning environment and modern techniques of teaching with enthusiastic minds and courageous hearts.
With our powerful and determinant minds, we arrange imperishable and multi dimensional education for your child. For this let’s take a step towards a new and renowned name “ABHINAV”.
At ABHINAV we focus on nothing but imparting wisdom and real life education to young minds which fulfill all the four objectives:
● Knowledge
● Comprehensive Understanding
● Skilled application of the information.
Because in it’s truest sense, this is the real education. These four objectives & our creative and thoughtful methods of teaching has always been foundational milestones for excellent education at ABHINAV.
Schooling specifications for SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL:
Our school meets higher standards of education ranging from well equipped playgrounds for physical education to widest range of selective subjects to students of XI & XII standard.
Subjects offered for classes of XI & XII standard are:
» Science : Physics , Chemistry, Biology
» Arts : Hindi/English Literature, geography, History , Home science, Political Science , Sociology
» Commerce : Business Management , Accountancy, computer Science, Economics